SATS must go! |
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Comments from teachers, parents and governors:
11 | Posted by: ' Jamie S. ' on 10-02-03 20:14
Remember that 96% of us are doing our jobs at least satisfactorily. It
places us on a level with...well, I'm not sure what!
12 | Posted by: ' Cassandra ' on 10-02-03 20:41
I humbly beg to differ, Mr Steadman and take exception to the phrase
'learn to teach'. Are we working in the same educational system? I feel
very positive about my ability to teach but consider the whole
'accountability based on SATs results' argument illogical. Oh how we
laugh when we're presented with our next set of targets and scan through
our class lists.
"But my class is far less able than last year. How the hell are we
going to achieve THIS?"
"Just do your best and, whatever you do, DON'T teach to the SATs."
"OK - I'll organise a cross-curricular local heritage fortnight at the
beginning of the summer term. My Booster teacher can start work on a
Maypole and we'll get in the press."
"Hold on......"
13 | Posted by: ' Yuri ' on 12-02-03 21:58
Cassandra- don't take offence at steadman. He always posts with as much
compassion as the chair he sits on. He rarely if ever shows any empathy
or consideration of the views of other teachers on here.
If he had actually taught for any amount of time in a Y6 class he'd
know his opinion here is ficitious rubbish- we know the reality! How
we'd love not to have to teach to SATs like his utopian view suggests.
He clearly neither knows nor respects the fact that at Primary level
we're still expected to teach the other 8 subjects too alongside SATs
prep all year. Not a clue m8!
steadman- you typify the view of Primaries held by many secondary
teachers who are ignorant of the facts. I know your Primary experience
is minimal so at least research the facts before you try to condescend.
We've heard it all before.