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Campaign against SATs starts to take off
In the current issue of the NUT magazine there is an article on page 5 saying "Think before you start SATs preparation" which says the National Executive will be discussing a possible boycott of SATs at its next meeting.
Camden NUT thinks the executive should have this discussion and should ballot for an immediate boycott. Below are some of our reasons.
We’d like to know what NUT members in your school think.
Why we should boycott the SATs this year:
Just one argument has been advanced for not starting a boycott this year. That is that so much work has already been done and would be wasted. We argue that if the work is educationally valid then it is not wasted. If the work is just preparation for tests and is not educationally valid then we shouldn’t worry about it.
Let us know urgently what the feeling in your NUT group is.